Make-A-Wish Central and Northern Florida
We proudly support Make-A-Wish Central and Northern Florida and had a wonderful time at this year’s Wishmaker’s Ball. We’re thankful to have attended with some great partners of ours. What a night!

As we reflect on the past and prepare for the future, we believe in the intent to Give Help + Offer Hope to others.
EQX Day is celebrated each year during the Spring and Fall Equinoxes. In the Fall, EQX Day is celebrated by selecting valued partners and donating to a charity of their choosing. In the Spring, we gather partners, friends, and colleagues to make a difference in our community.
We proudly support Make-A-Wish Central and Northern Florida and had a wonderful time at this year’s Wishmaker’s Ball. We’re thankful to have attended with some great partners of ours. What a night!
This Ministry prints and distribute bibles in many native languages to help spread the Word worldwide. They have already distributed over 100,000 bibles and hope to distribute 1 million by 2025.
Orlando Children’s Church is a city-wide ministry that serves 400+ Central Florida children each week by visiting inner-city areas serving them breakfast and filling their hearts with the gospel.
My wife was diagnosed with the disease as a teenager and with only approx. 300,000 other Americans being diagnosed there is very little funding for research.
There are some things money can’t buy: brains, beauty, and the motivation to achieve her dreams. But for many, a lack of resources prohibits her from reaching her fullest potential. We need your help to create the foundation for that young woman to get to where she is already going. We are Support Our Scholars, a non-profit that provides financial and emotional support to disadvantaged young women with extraordinary potential during their college journey.
With so much uncertainty in the world, the one thing that Equinox is certain of is the need to help others.
This year for Spring Equinox Day our team felt a desire to unplug from our busy schedules and volunteer for a collective day of service. Along with Colliers International Orlando, we invited our friends and colleagues to serve at the Orlando Union Rescue Mission (ORM), a local organization dedicated to serving the homeless in Orlando. This organization is one of Central Florida’s oldest and largest homeless service providers. Since 1948, the ORM’s purpose has been to bring the hungry, hurting and homeless to a new life, new goals and a new future.
Our crew came together to support the good faith that ORM spreads by serving in many different sectors of their organization. Whether it was sorting shoes at the Men’s Home, organizing clothes at the Bargain Store or playing with the children at the Family Center – we grew as a community and felt the impact we made as a team.
Despite the economic turmoil that the Covid-19 virus is bringing, we hope our act of good will inspire others to make a difference in our community. We encourage our friends to make a positive impact by serving, giving financially or providing support to our local organizations. Let’s come together. Let’s keep our City alive.